* Note This Blog Supports the Gebrux Side of the Argument (Special Thanks to NR)
with special permission from the "kashash Hamam" foundation some laws and customs for the Passover Holiday
Passover Notes:
1. Poor Mans Bread Cost a $#it load of Money
2. Elijah The Prophet Comes in through the Front door and not the Chimney He does NOT bring presents
3. In The Haggadah BEN ZOMA is a Scholar and not a Son of a Bitch
4. Everyone is aware the Romanian Lettuce has been Checked for Bugs, You do NOT need to announce, when flying does the Pilot insist on Telling you That every Valise has been Checked for Bombs
5. Macaroons Are Essential to Have weather you eat them or Not, It's our Modern Day version of the Hillel Sandwich
6. Double Dipping is not only Allowed But Encouraged, This may or may not be applicable with you're local Massage Parlor
7. Customary to Not Lace one's Shoes to Symbolize the Shackles our forefathers were chained to in Egypt
8. The Jewish version of the NCAAs start on the second Night, Known as " The Omer"- The rules Single elimination, if you miss it you're out- You may still play at home..........
9. For the Married:- Yeast is Hametz
10. For the Single:- If you ask out a girl and she tells you, she has a lot of weddings and party's to attend, Means shes washing her hair Take a Hike.................
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