Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Forgetting how

The game is played I recieved an email from an aquiantence "I might have a girl for you look her up and if your interested i'll see if she is available xxxxx-xxxxxx ,  nice girl. Let me know".  Still not feeling up to it I suggested in a couple weeks maybe, Thinking It'll all be forgotten, "Any Update on xxxx-xxxxxx? What the hell why not, Ok Let me check with her then and I'll get back to you, I dont fear this kind of rejection to much ........EEE thinking he's funny tried setting me with a girl named Candy Lickme, i played along. I forwarded him a photo of a girl i once knew his response let's just say he  was very impressed  here is how he advised me  to get her:
EEE: so go for her! Tell her u have big bucks and she doesnt have to know the truth knightiu: so lie to her face that u are rich EEE: what do u have to lose KnightIU: haha she knows im not rich EEE: tell her u made a windfall from a huge deal or someone died and left u a fortune KnightIU: hahah KnightIU: u think it will work KnightIU: serious what are my chances EEE: 78% KnightIU: how do u asses that EEE: because she is a pure bimbo and will believe anything.   EEE: After boning her, tell her yyyyy is rich and get him boned KnightIU: she's smart she went to college like the strippers u saved from paradise EEE: ah! I got it! EEE: tell her u have a friend who can get her a job at Ricks or Flashdancers! EEE: she will bone u in a second KnightIU: which friend EEE: me! EEE: tell her she has to bone u first KnightIU: i wish KnightIU: you give the best advice EEE: i always did. You'd be married by now if u ever listened

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