Monday, June 4, 2012

The Slump is

over and the dating Taheyedda is finished. PH the lovely young lady that set me up with Clara to refresh is the " Beautiful great figured great girl" Texted me " She really Enjoys talking to u"- to me that meant either three things A) I have a face for talking on the phone B) That things can only go downhill from there C) Things can go great. We did have a really fun and interesting conversation to me anytime Menachem Begins name gets mentioned its fun and NO i don't not get that tingly Feeling up my leg Ala chris mathews........My field goal percentage in the online dating world is slightly improving- just giving myself an additional outlet. I spoke with a Not so Young but lovely Pseudo-SY woman and a really cute very early 30s  English girl who lives in NY, She didn't mind me asking about the accent......This Week marks the 30th Anniversary of the First Lebanon War "Peace for the Galile", many argue that this was the war that turned Israel from David to Goliath,  Forty Five  years to the Six Day War, and the Liberation of Jerusalem, Thirty one years to the Amazing Operation Opera- the Attack on the Iraqi Tammuz Nuclear reactor- the Head of the Mossad at the time was so against the operation he refused to attend the meetings and sent his deputy, the prime minister at the time was...... and  the Second Anniversary of me getting free shirts from my Brother, my only complaint i wish he was taller, that way the sleeves would reach beyond my wrist , but i can still roll them up and   look fancy...........

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