Thursday, March 22, 2012

The demographics

 of women emailing me as stated before is between the ages of 39- 52. A 39 year old woman Emailed me asking me to text her, pretty photos, a little tough profile, i did mention pretty photos - Here is what I texted her "very perverts photos btw, where in bklyn are u " took me 2 hours to realize I profusely apologized apparently the IPhone finished that word for me. She asked if i wanted to meet up, for a second time in my dating history I was late, in this instance Better Never than late would have been better. I waited outside for her and once she came out She and her mother were yelling at each other, it was foggy and dark and it was hard to tell who was who ( think Fran Dreschers voice with a accentuated Ashkenaz Accent, could have been worse with a syrian one and with a broom shoved up her)... We went somewhere local, she looked ok but her photos were much more better, Her voice was another story and she couldn't believe she was ordering VEGGGEEEZZ  at a David's style Restaurant. I loved her story about an Ex o taking her to a swingers club (48 Canal street if anyone cares), I passed on going in to see her cat and possibly her mother......Ohh and too answer her question No I do not take Bipolar medication........

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