Friday, June 24, 2011

The Procedure,

took around 6.hours. I got there at 900 signed a disclosure form and things didn't start till around 1000- He gave me  some pills ( looked like a scene from  one flew over the cuckoos nest how they used to give them medicine*) An Antibiotic, couple Valiums, and a cortisone and fifteen minutes it got kicked off. There was some pain and besides one bathroom break , i was either out cold or  watched Jimmy Kimmel Reruns, The good news is  the medical  Headbanging Can be substituted for a Kippa although it makes me look like either a Hajji or gangster. Some antibiotics i have to take for five days and cortisone for two. I have no clue weather the operation will be a success or failure........... It's confirmed for Sunday with "Elle" by the way I hope there is no swelling and my existing hair can cover up the new grafts.... Operation "get better" is on it's way........

*Oscar winning movie - they used to hand out medication to the loonies in small plastic cups with a medium cup of water

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