Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Sometimes good things

        happen and sometimes they don't.......I am met  up with Psychologist girl tonight Around an Hour before  the date i checked my Online Emails and Came across a profile that I thought resembled her- All the stats were Similar   But the  pictures looked great. I changed my slightly wrinkled  shirt and worked a little extra time brushing my hair. I thought about telling her about the Hair procedure, but My scalp was pretty much covered so I don't think she can see my Earthly gallotiical head. I was still self concise about it. We Went to a local place, had a lot of shrink references and basically Went  through the  basic Dating talk points-   interests, Work, Music, Relationships etc..... We actually sat for almost two hours- My highlight was getting sauce on my shirt she may or may not have noticed  just like the hair I didn't care.  I thanked her for a nice time, and there will not be any church on Sunday............


In there usual classy fashion. Magen David decided to "reassign" There long time basketball coach Morris "Truck, Dinkins, Mubarak" Dweck. According to Sources Dweck who has served as coach for more than 16 years and has had enormous success at the school was asked to Coach the Junior Varsity for a couple of seasons, So that the Incoming Coach can stay with the core of players he's coached for the past few years to coach the Varsity. There is a lot of unanswered questions that lie her- Why did the School let him run spring practice? Why didn't they offer to bring in the new coach as an Assistant? or Why not instead of trying to Humiliate the man just Quietly not renew his contract, thank him for his service to the school,  give him a plaque and some donuts and do it in a classy cover up fashion . I have been a long time critic of coach Dweck and it is true that I dubbed him the "David Dinkins " of Basketball coaching- but what the hell do i know he's been at the school for nearly two decades somebody thought he must have been doing a good job to keep bringing him back, and happen to support his decision to tell MDLie to Shove it.............

Monday, June 27, 2011

To Tell or Not to Tell?

 I am not sure weather to tell my date tonight, Weather i had the Hair procedure or not... I hatched a plan Made sure to go to a Kosher Restaurant that way I can wear a Kippa, in case she can see some of the Scabs. She looked great again, and smelled great again, She was slightly offended by my getting out of the car and opening the door for her " last time - makes me feel old " I thought it was standard, i promised not to offend as we got to the place I asked if i can open the door for her? I Spilled the beans about the hair procedure, I think she thought i was Vain, which I don't think I am, just trying to get better. We had long conversation about the Dr and his validity amongst other subjects, She didn't think too highly of him. The Night was fun and capped off by about a 10 minute conversation with a couple I knew from Brooklyn  FM* and his wife, of course about medicine and Doctors. I gave her "Work out " Jelly Beans and Mints(too make up for the bathroom mints i stole from last place). She said She'll research my Hair Dr.-then I have reason to call her again to find out what she found. I dropped her off in front of her Building didn't open the door and noted i wont -the usual "get home safe " joke.......Church on Sunday ?

*fm= fake Mooseri ( a friend of mine whom we use to play basketball with that looks like one of my good friends)

Friday, June 24, 2011

The Procedure,

took around 6.hours. I got there at 900 signed a disclosure form and things didn't start till around 1000- He gave me  some pills ( looked like a scene from  one flew over the cuckoos nest how they used to give them medicine*) An Antibiotic, couple Valiums, and a cortisone and fifteen minutes it got kicked off. There was some pain and besides one bathroom break , i was either out cold or  watched Jimmy Kimmel Reruns, The good news is  the medical  Headbanging Can be substituted for a Kippa although it makes me look like either a Hajji or gangster. Some antibiotics i have to take for five days and cortisone for two. I have no clue weather the operation will be a success or failure........... It's confirmed for Sunday with "Elle" by the way I hope there is no swelling and my existing hair can cover up the new grafts.... Operation "get better" is on it's way........

*Oscar winning movie - they used to hand out medication to the loonies in small plastic cups with a medium cup of water

Thursday, June 23, 2011

The Shrink?

        A psychologist has been recommended to me,  to go out with or too talk to?  She is a mid 30s School  psychologist, who it's hard to tell weather from her photo weather she's pretty or not. But someone from the school she works with  thinks it's a great match- where have i heard that before ? That someone from the school  knows a relative of mine  whose kids are in the School  So  I made sure to stress to her that Me and this relative are in  different Tax brackets. The good news about her is she talks and listens for a living, so I'll know that once she starts going -aha aha or some varaiton of  that it's time to wrap it up...... More "Elle" News We should be going out Sunday Night not deffinette but that's how are last texts ended..............

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Its not Heinz Ketchup ,

but the Genetic Supermarket ketchup. An Elle update- After Possibly working out to go out Wed. She had a relative staying over by her, so she texted me around midnight telling me "maybe another night  is better" - i  was  up watching Threes Company and responded its cool whatever works out best for u. On Wed.  i got a text again shes with relative " maybe sometime over the weekend  is better" - i replied i hope you're having fun, the weekend is good probably Sunday is better. After initially looking forward to a second date, I really have no desire to go out with her again.It's clear that She doesn't really want to go out, and I rather not going out on second dates especially if the girls mind set is at the "try it again " phase - odds are i wont get better looking or richer between dates, and plus "try it agains" cost money, I guess the Postponement Texts  don't Hurt and It is sort of amusing so  I'll keep playing the game............ Thanks to DM at for the plug and Compliments regarding the OB..........

The Record for me,

     for online emails from Girls in one day was broken yesterday - 4 all together, all 4 headed on a Bridge to No where. One was from a 37 year old reform girl That Liked my Hanna Senesh Reference - one from a 38 year old Russian girl who told me If this was FB She'd Click like on my profile, One was a very pretty 33 year old half Israeli girl who left me her number with out her name - I called, Guess what? Voice mail Box is full - I emailed her, she didn't read it yet, and the last one was on Online magazine editor who can see beyond my poor grammar, bad looks, and semi conservatism and liked my dry Humor she was pretty cute also - Our Email Chain broke with me emailing her last. I have learned that I  waste way too much time on line.........Back to the SHidduch Business  I am trying  to set up a religious friend of mine with a great girl i know- She's being a good sport and willing to try, she didn't seem to mind that he is known as the "Yetzer Haraa of Basketball "- but good kid, My virgins are waiting for me in heaven, wrong religion never mind...................

Tuesday, June 21, 2011


    I decided to initiate again - So I texted Elle again asking her how her schedule for this week looks ? about an hour later she left me a voice mail, Naturally I called back and guess what ? Mail Box is full - I texted her again asking her out again- She must have been very "excited" cause She Replied  back  about an hour later  " yes I had a nice time sure". Now it will probably take a few more missed phone calls and texts to figure out what day to go out again. I like to stay optimistic and go with the Heinz Ketchup slogan - The Best things comes to those who wait............

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Busy again?

 I emailed  M.H the woman that set me up with "Elle" to let her know what happened, She got back to me that  "She had a good time and would go out again" - I texted  at 945 her letting her know I'm not a stalker and That i called her couple times Friday- she replied " hey, no worry. all is well Busy day gotta sleep can talk tomorrow, hope u r well". I'll Text her tomorrow night......."Blessed be the holy cannon that blew up the ship. It should be enshrined in the third temple of the Jews"- PM David Ben Gurion - The Tragic anniversary of the Blowing up of the Altalena Ship 16 Irgun Members Were killed by fellow Jews......  The Annual  summer Joke with my father as he goes to deal with the Hilonim(non religious) "With Lavan I lived and I still kept the 613 Mitzvot", the B.B. Joke is when you come back from Deal, Don't forget to say " ha Gomel"..........

Saturday, June 18, 2011

A Mild Upset,

  after thinking  I was favored for Date #2 With "Elle" the 30 something Ashkenaz girl, "Tings Do Not Look  good"* There will  not  be Church on Sunday, I am not going to make a second call or text, perhaps a little passive,but it's not my style to be pushy............ The Deficit for 2011 dates is so far approx $2533.00..... No Points in heaven for me yet as  My Set-up didn't work out, it wasn't a bad idea just no love connection........I've decided to go forward with the hair grafting procedure - it's gonna hit me a little hard in the wallet, But It's all about improvement.......A special Thanks  to NR and Family for hooking me up with a  summer Sabbath Pass to there home NR invites me all the time, but I hate taking advantage.......I ran into Weigh lifting Champ, and one of the all time good guys DS the other night - he  still hasn't picked up the  Zionists books i gave his brother for his wedding, maybe 5 years ago....

*Former MTA Union head Roger Toussant said about strike negotiations when they went on strike during Xmas week( it happened they hurt a lot of Business especially the one i was in at the time)

Controversy solved,

  The Star guard for the University of Toledo and All Mac Selection Naama Shafir  who happens to also be an orthodox Jew has been disallowed to wear a t-shirt under her uniform in the Women's FIBA basketball championships in Poland, as it's in Violation of  FIBA Uniform code, and in Shafirs case it's a little immodest. After some back and forth  talks  The Israeli  Spokesman announced a compromise was  reached   that she can wear Skin toned Elastic sleeves. I see both sides of the argument on this Issue and tend to Side with FIBA as a Separation of Sport and religion. She was the MVP of the Women's NIT after scoring 40 points. The game was on the Sabbath, she got special permission from her Rabbi  to play and didn't  give interviews after  the game, Admirable.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Violating dating rules,

 again , I called the girl I went out with last night, rather than wait the "mandatory" Extra day, Her Mail box is full ( on purpose) If i don't hear back from her by Sunday, I may call again, but definite not text, we actually talked about stuff like that yesterday.........I am personally a fan of deal, I like when other people go, I know someone who used to pray for it to rain in deal during the Summer, He was mimicking the great "Chonie Ha Meagal "- His motives were drought related and not spite........ I bought my 8year old Niece on Ipod and made her sign a contract she wouldn't use it on Yom Shabbat,( it has more to do with honoring an agreement than religion) if she does she forfeits it...........

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Win, Lose, or Draw,

 Tonight was my best date of the year. She supposedly 38 but looked much younger, She looked great, was very upbeat and genuine. I am not sure we had a lot in common, and we spoke about a lot of first date no-nos ( past relationships) but from the start to finish the night was Fun, I forgot to tell her she smelled great also, I asked to call her, she naturally said yes but who knows what that means, Church on Sunday? Ohh and for the record she would go with me to the Tow Pound* ........I decided not to wait for the Moshiach 5  and got the Iphone 4-  Special Thanks to the favor that the Store owner did for me by throwing  in a free charger, I think he made it up with the $50 case.........The Sephlink is working overtime with me a 28 year old religious girl Again - I'm not feeling it...........

*reference when i got towed on a first date old post

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Two Minutes, Two Minutes,

            I was talking to an Israeli girl on line, she asked if i can hang on for two minutes, 20 minutes later she  gets back to me. My father in his Israeli wisdom used to do that to me also " wait in the car two minutes and not come back for a while. I just took  it like I was watching a basketball game that had 2 minutes left, but with the commericals and stoppage of time lasts well over half hour. We had a nice conversation until i had to go pick up my "Eicha" Date............   The Gideon back to Gideon's Drugs experiment is officially over after a day, The store is getting busier but my pay didn't justify my work so I decided to Resign after a day..........A friend tried to set me up with a modern orthodox girl  after she saw my FB pics she said no,The reason being I don't wear a kippah......

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

and I think it's going to rain today*,

  The rain Stopped on the short walk back to the car, But it's as if it was pouring, and as I dropped her off and watched her go in, I just felt sad, not to be confused with bad , but a feeling of sadness for her. From the Second I picked her up it seemed like things were  headed for disaster, She mentioned she got home about half hour ago ( she looked it) and was very tired, I asked her if she wants to cancel I wouldn't mind, ironically it seemed like she was feeling bad for me and reluctantly said no. The Mood felt like T'isha B Av with an occasion grin here and there, We managed to talk Pizza (that's her family Business)) and tried asking a lot about it to avoid the silence. With all fairness she was miserable before i showed up, and perhaps i added to  her misery a little, but I did my best. At least I know for the next time what " out of the box " means...........

*Randy Newman song

Monday, June 13, 2011

Mazal Tov,

   perhaps a sign, For the second time in less than two months my Glass Phone screen  fell and cracked ( not cause of the Taliban*)......... I spoke to the mid 30s  Pretty Ashkenazim girl yesterday,  very Upbeat conversation it ended with her having to run to a family occasion and us not planning a date, She called today were scheduled to meet up Thursday...... The Seph Link texted me at 730 this morning the usual great girl but this time " out of the box " for me. Hmmm Out of the box too cute for me i was hoping, But that never happens, shes just not a "community" girl - I called her tonight after about an 11 minute broken conversation we should be meeting up tomorrow night...... wait there is more, I called " Nice touchis " girl - I called her and left a message for a different girl with the same name, then left a message for the right girl today, she called back "Who are you? Who gave you my number?" I explained and after a few awkward seconds and ruffled conversations she came back with the ohh ohh ok - " Can we talk tomorrow " I have bad service she said, She didn't sound too happy..........

*Taliban- is a reference to someone ultra haradey ( on my block there is an ultra haradiey shul and school whom i refer to ass the Taliban where the first time my phone fell and cracked)

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Does she think I am going to Jump

 off the Sears Tower?  Here is "Liel" Email to me  "I hope you had a restful Shabbat. I got your message from the other day and I am flattered that you want to go out with me again. I had a nice time getting to know you but I don't feel like there was a click for me. I think you are a great guy and I wish you the best in all your endeavors. I hope you understand. - Have a great day, all the best." - .Personally I hate Patronage and Think Emails or Notes like these are condensending but what the hell I'll play the game. Here was my response "Thank you for you're nice words,  I understand it's cool, I wish you the best also and hope everything works out for you " - K.E. - G........... I hope the Sweeping victory by AKP- The Islamists Party in Turkey wont have a major effect on Israel as I am sure they are  prepared for whatever Tricks the Notorious Sone Ysrael  Tayeep Erdogan has in  mind............

Saturday, June 11, 2011

The Dating Shaheed....

    There will not be church on Sunday with "Liel"-, I don't know what it is about me, it seems like girls have fun when there out with me, or even talk to me Until ??? But their is no change in  Policy of  "negotiating with terrorists" or in my terms stalking or being overbearing with Girls, As I mentioned in a prior post the only time you negotiate is when getting some is in the deal........ Funny too me  is hearing  The Two leading Turkish Parties Justice and Development (AKP) and peoples Republic (CHP) trading barbs as to who hates Jews, oops they I meant Israel more, No question it's Tayep Erdogan of AKP, who will win a Third term. A Turk not wishing to be identified is disappointed  as his computer porn cleaning business will go down the drain due to the  Diet Sharia Laws...........

Friday, June 10, 2011

Text or Call,

 I decided not to wait the Mandatory two days to call  "Liel " the Yemenite girl from last night. " I know this violates dating rules, but I figured I'd see if you wanted to go out again"-. I went with the Phone rather than Text cause its a safer bet for her to get the message. The main reason i didn't wait was also cause i don't care so much if i get rejected, and not caring translates into  having Balls, No reply from her yet............ I did call Girl # 2 "Elle"- But couldn't leave a message cause her voice mail box was full, I'll try again Sunday........Numbers - 120  should I go out with Elle Next that would be the combined age of my last Three dates.........

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Every Time,

    I  meet up with a girl for the first time, It always seems like there is a girl that resembles her already there. when i get there but turns out not to be her. I met up with the slightly older girl from online, tonight in Park slope She Looked younger than her age and as good looking as her photos. We went out INJJ style* spoke a lot about our pasts and general topics, I am never sure when these "dates or meetings " should end but after about an hour and half it seemed that she was ready to go. I Thanked her for a nice night  I asked to call her again, and before she answered I told her I'll wait to  be surprised weather shell answer or not. Church on Sunday maybe.......Ill Spare  the same Shavous Joke from every year On why the Jews got the Torah ...........I got an Aliyah in Shul, it was in the main shul ( shavous minyan) As i am trying to become more "approachable" I didn't know how many hands I am supposed to go Shake, but went through a good amount..........

*Injj Style- is code word just for drinks no major date plans

Oppurtunities, Oppurtunities,

Amazingly, How i can go from 3 prospects in one day, all legitimate, meaning phone numbers already to possibly none. Prospect #1 I met on Line. The History she gave me her number like 3 months, i called she never called back, she emailed me on line this week  and then called me. She's a little older than me, but we had about a 90 minute conversation, tentatively we set up too meet Thursday Night.  I text ed the next day after a short exchange of texts she has not responded. Prospect #2 is a girl around my age I was set up with. I was actually supposed to call her in the beginning of the week and forgot to, Unclear if she'll take my call now....Prospect # 3 is another 30s something girl whom was previously described with a nice "Touchis", But the guy who gave me her number seems very iffy about the situation so it reeks of awkwardness I don't think Ill bother ....... The Good News though is that  One of the " NATO" members of the Seph Link told me  "no one gave up on you, its a joint Effort "- They have a whole coalition working....

Monday, June 6, 2011

The Gag order is over,

     I went out with the "Older" woman yesterday, She text ed me to tell me She'll come outside as to spare me the agony of meeting the family, We Hung out in Williamsberg Bklyn, the same place I went with the girl I was thinking about Pancakes, I was able to pretty much act stupid as I don't think things would advance further, I think she liked me cause she didn't mind, which brings my argument of doesn't matter what you say or do if a girl is attracted to you,shy of being a  psycho shes going to like you - The age felt a little weird, she had some interesting stories i told her she should embellish them to make them better, No Church on Sunday......... Joshua 10:12-  : “Sun, stand still over Gibeon, and you, moon, over the Valley of Aijalon.”
13 So the sun stood still, and the moon stopped, till the nation avenged itself on[a] its enemies,- On the way back from the Mission of Bombing the Iraqi reactor, The Israeli  Pilots radioed that Phrase to Each other after the success of Operation Opera....................

Good News,

    My Brother is losing weight, and What that means is more free shirts coming soon...... I attended the Zionist Day parade Yesterday, I told Alouf* I missed the Ateret Delegation his response The Ateret delegation was supporting and protecting Am Yisrael, by learning Torah. תלמוד תורה כנגד כולם.........recognition of the good portion of the blog  EE  on the parade Iwananame:  MDY stands strong with Israel with over 1000 marching in parade......... On The Lubabvich with the Tefilin Stand i was wondering what if Woman wanted to put on Tefilin, How would they React?........ Still contemplating weather to Re Email the girl that rejected me from around a year ago, trying to think if anything changed, or if i have a chance, I'll seek opinions on the matter...............

*Alouf is a haredy guy who bears uncanny resemblance to the Egyptian spiritual leader.....

Saturday, June 4, 2011


 I asked someone asked a question that someone asked me "How come People Like my father, but not me"?- I got the answer in one word Approachable- meaning people don't feel comfortable approaching you, but it doesn't mean they don't like you - I am going to try to be more approachable....... New Reader IHH- ( not to be confused with the radical Islamic charity name)Suggested i use footnotes to explain some of my cryptic references and posts, I liked that idea, i may go back to older posts to explain.......There is a gag order on my next "date" or meeting out of respect to the girl I can't talk about it yet....... I was invited to go clubbing, but not a real invitation, I invited myself - HT said he has "five gees" coming, But I know somehow it wont work out so I'm passing.........

This week in History.............

   30 years ago  06/07/81- "Operation Opera"- The Israeli Air strike on Iraqi Nuclear reactor Osirak. PM  Menachem Begin approved the spectacular Strike, it was the only decision as PM which he did not include his wife on........ 06/05/68-.Anybody here seen my old friend Bobby - 43 years to The Assassination of RFK  By Palestinian or Jordanian Sirhan Sirhan.......... And of course the Start of Operation Focus( bombing of Egyptian air force) and the Six Day War 07/05/67)...............I was watching some videos about the Check points in Israel, Specifically the Qualania one that Borders Ramallah and Jerusalem, I think the Israelis Need to improve there image, make it more organized, again i know some readers will misinterpret this as me favoring removal, i am not not just writing  from Public relations perspective...........

Friday, June 3, 2011

Fat Bottomed girls,

you make the rocking world go round..... I get Emails of pictures of Voluptuous sometimes extra voluptuous girls sometimes, from someone i know, I used to think he was making fun of me, but  indubitably i know there is no levity intended, and the reason is the person is very religous and I know he is trying to make a mitzvah.......

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Fore Fore Fore.........

    I was amused to see a FB Photo of  Four Girls all together, That I went out with. What I learned from this photo is that It's the worst way to spend around 850 Big ones, all Experience's albeit not the best ones ( i wrote about a couple of them)...... With nothing to do at red lights i decided that I am going to time the wait times for the lights to change. I will provide a further study later but from E. 3rd from Kings Highway  to Quentin Rd its a 35.1 Seconds wait and from The Coney Island Light going up or down to ocean parkway 1:22.9. Another example of having too much time on my hands........"Alouf " was offended when i asked him if i can spend my future winnings from the "Haredy Raffle" On Shermootas. His response Kyrie Elesion , in Hebrew though of course Elokeem Yeshmor.........Interesting IM from a Syrian woman on Line before, we spoke for a few minutes till she had to go eat Supper...............

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Limousine liberals..........

  An Important message from one of  the leaders of the S community "Please get the word out to friends, children, parents and anyone else you know that loves and believes in Israel to attend this Sunday's parade"- As long as it doesn't interfere with the Weekend in Deal or make it inconvenient for us........With out mentioning the School name ( it rhymes with wagon Spavid) a couple years ago, because Everyone had to go to deal for Shavuot weekend Decided to make the parade optional - Not to belittle those who went, but it was a disgraceful turnout for the school.  The Message Love and Support Israel at you're convenience..............


  A little weird The girl that i met up with last week, That I had pancakes on my mind text ed me Shabbat Shalom Then Defriended me, I guess whatever the worst that can happen from meeting up with her happened. One less Person on my "if I win the Lotto Payroll Plan"........There is a Mr Rosh Chodesh Impostor who sends out an email of special prayers to say for all kinds of stuff on Rosh Chodesh  I'm thinking if I would get bad luck if I don't say them?........Everything ran smooth in shul today regarding Yom Yerushalyim No controversies..... Breaking news from EE I have till 1145 to say a prayer to meet a girl, For some reason this stuff scares the crap out of me, I am considering help..............Ohh Never mind I am Normal, Someone wants to pray for me and  for me to  send them Money, With Money I  have no problems getting girls..............