Saturday, May 21, 2011

Kyrie eleison,

has become one of my favorite Blessings and phrases- Its a Greek phrase meaning Lord have mercy or used as an saying or as a blessing of lord watch over you - I learned it from the great 80s song by Mister Mister Kyrie, I have begun signing off letters, cards and Emails with that Blessing............Museums are a great place to meet Girls for the first time in my life I went to a museum, it was called the MOMA on 53rd street, i went with a friend of my mine from Israel, I met her on line, we met up in Israel and then here as previous mentioned in a prior post I usually get the consolation prize, rather then get lucky i get new FB friends. She was explaining to me the art, I wasn't paying attention just looking at the naked pictures........ I was at a big Chase Branch  downtown Yesterday going to do a refinancing, They wouldn't let me use the bathroom it was a "Security Issue" .......

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