Sunday, November 7, 2010

The Chinese Umbrellas,

That you buy off the street for a dollar or two, are clearly an example of you get what you pay for. I was picking up this girl on a cold rainy Sunday night, i had no clue what she looked like and generally go with the motto of "sometimes good things happen"- it was pouring rain, i opened up my umbrella and walked to the door, after ringing the bell, i tried shutting the umbrella, but my thumb got caught in it and was cut pretty badly, i wanted to get the hell out of there, but settled for pressing my thumb down on my pocket i left the umbrella outside- Mystery date Mom's opens the door she welcomes me in and extends her hand out, my right thumb is gushing blood so i shake with the left, mystery date comes up and sometimes not such good things happen, with my thumb still gushing blood i walk her to the car under a broken umbrella - we had a lackluster conversation through the car ride i dropped her off at restaurant cause it was still raining and parked a block away i did manage to find a bodega and buy band aids -dinner was pretty much just food as we didn't have much to talk about -I did behave,  perhaps i wasn't very upbea ,There was no church on Sunday.............................................. On a different note this was clearly a rare occurrence of sometimes good things happen - i did get set up on a different mystery date, and the girl was smoking hot, maybe i should not have told her that people that will see us together will think I'm really  rich, but i had to slip that out. I'm sure what goes on through every guys mind when they see a really pretty girl with any guy they would assume he's really rich. We didn't have much in common except for the fact that she was super pretty, i was hoping she would be bitchy, That way i wouldn't feel bad if she ditched me she happened to be real nice and  suggested we be friends; Just friends- we didn't become friends.............

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