Saturday, October 30, 2010

How do you say Double Dipping,

In Hebrew. I kept thinking as i was being yelled at by a burly 30 something year old South American- Israeli Mother.No Disrespect to the Israelis but they are notoroiusly known for being rude. While on line at the El Al check out counter At BenGurion airport, There was a tremendous back up on the lines to check in you're baggage. In  Typical Israeli Fashion they make two counters right next to each other with out dividing the line, in other wards you can be standing on two lines with out committing to a line and move to the one that moves faster. This Ruffian woman and myself got to the line pretty much at the same time, there was a middle aged Israeli couple ahead of both of us who committed to the line #2 on the left i also committed to like #2 and the ruffian  was standing in the middle between line #1 and #2. Basically the woman squeezed herself ahead of the Israeli couple and skipped the husband said nothing, but his wife made a comment that she thinks cause she has a baby with her she can cut the line- The Burly woman didn't leave her a word, generally i don't like getting involved but i stuck up for the Israeli couple telling them that i saw what happened and knew they were right - she turned and gave me the look of death- with me trying to explain to her in Hebrew that she was double dipping in the lines- we lost she went ahead of all of us - divine intervention i met up with her at Kennedy in the early morning and i got my luggage before her ....

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