Sunday, October 31, 2010

Tis was in the days of Ahashveroch,

He who is Ahashveroach, I was set up with this Persian girl from one of my cousins who had married a Persian- were not really close but genuinely she happens to look out for me and tries to set me up which i am open minded to. One thing of note with my cousin she's distorts the stats, but only mildly if a girl is 33 shell make her 30 or if shes heavy shell say shes medium build(similar to college players entering the draft there listed at 6''8 but when measure by pro teams are only 6''5) - only to be fair she does the same for me i am 37 and have been made 35 and also she says I'm handsome which makes her, my mom, and grandmother the only ones who think that. We met on the Upper east side at one of those Wine bars, I felt sophisticated but couldn't drink really cause i was driving, I pretty much asked the same question, in five or six different formats as our conversation was going on a bridge to No where,I dropped her off home There was no church on Sunday..................................

I feel like a Laker Fan,

 When i go to shul fashionably( well unfashionably I'm horrible with clothes)late and leave early, i don't know for some reason i go to shul late and i think its a pretty bad habit - which i am trying to change , i told this to one of my friends,to plant it on my head why it's wrong, but she doesn't have that annoying voice that makes you feel guilty, i hope it works ............................. Over the past 15 years or so I have Declared Wars, Revolts, Battles, and anything else you can think of against food, with very moderate success- I'm trying to reach the "impossible dream" that's 180 lbs, but can't do it- my weight has been fluctuating anywhere between 190-200 over the past few weeks......................Am i Immature for finding it hilarious  that someone called the Lynne Samuel's( an obnoxious voiced, left wing anti Israel Broadcaster on Sirius left) and told her he liked her sexy voice, voluptuous body and wanted to "tea bag" her  and give her a "Dirty Sanchez"  to her credit she knew it was a Stern show guy and laughed at it .......

Saturday, October 30, 2010

How do you say Double Dipping,

In Hebrew. I kept thinking as i was being yelled at by a burly 30 something year old South American- Israeli Mother.No Disrespect to the Israelis but they are notoroiusly known for being rude. While on line at the El Al check out counter At BenGurion airport, There was a tremendous back up on the lines to check in you're baggage. In  Typical Israeli Fashion they make two counters right next to each other with out dividing the line, in other wards you can be standing on two lines with out committing to a line and move to the one that moves faster. This Ruffian woman and myself got to the line pretty much at the same time, there was a middle aged Israeli couple ahead of both of us who committed to the line #2 on the left i also committed to like #2 and the ruffian  was standing in the middle between line #1 and #2. Basically the woman squeezed herself ahead of the Israeli couple and skipped the husband said nothing, but his wife made a comment that she thinks cause she has a baby with her she can cut the line- The Burly woman didn't leave her a word, generally i don't like getting involved but i stuck up for the Israeli couple telling them that i saw what happened and knew they were right - she turned and gave me the look of death- with me trying to explain to her in Hebrew that she was double dipping in the lines- we lost she went ahead of all of us - divine intervention i met up with her at Kennedy in the early morning and i got my luggage before her ....

Friday, October 29, 2010

When I joined Facebook,

   around 3 years ago i made a vow that should i ever win the lottery, no matter what the amount is i promised to share some of the winnings with all my facebook friends. I didn't win yet,just for the record ........Chaye Sara in Hebron- this Sabbath marks the pilgrimage to the city of Hebron to commemorate the purchasing of the cave of the patriarchs by Abraham over 30,000 are expected to make the journey............ It was 10 years ago that i was working as an assistant  to Morris Truck Dweck on the Magen David Basketball Team, I was there for about 5 weeks, i wasn't allowed to offer any input, suggestions,or even run drills, wasn't exactly  like working for Kim Jung-il but close. I dubbed truck the "David Dinkins" of coaching meaning  Truck j like Dinkins the Ex Mayor of NYC both  happenen  to be real nice guy just  clueless about the job............................ Do you think people are really  honest when they comment on FB photos?

Thursday, October 28, 2010

I like people watching she,

said as we were sitting in the restaurant waiting for the food to come, i was thinking to myself  am i not a people ? why isn't she looking at this people; me - I can imagine nothing being more uncomfortable than going out with someone who doesn't really want to be there. Actually if you had to make #2 while it all happened that be worse. My Philosophy is usually when you're going out with a girl win lose or draw it's just a date try to have fun and much like The Vietnam war ended on a peace with honour note... I got set up with this girl through a friend will call Swiss -We went out for dinner in the city she was pretty hot and seemed somewhat disappointed, she did know what i looked like before. We out for dinner which despite her "other people watching" hobby it  was fun for me. Seldom do i get annoyed, but once we hit Traffic on the way home, and she was huffing and puffing it felt slightly uncomfortable- I filibuster through the ride in traffic just to try to defuse the tension- and amazingly once out of traffic she seemed happy again,  probably to get the hell away from me but it was cool - we exchanged Emails after that but there was no church on Sunday-- she is still single by the way, Round 2?

Its like going out with the same girl in differnet colors.....

           She is very pretty on the inside and outside .She comes from a great Family, she works, she's not you're typical YS girl, she has a good figure - That's more or less the scouting report for every girl that my agent  tells me about off the community  dating website- Sometimes the agent can get carried away, and make it seem like there a combination of Mother Teresa and Hanna Senesh,but very much like a product they are trying to sell it. The Problem with dating girls from a specific community is that you are very prone to get labeled, the smallest of mistakes would be as if you spit at the devil or farted in church. For instance if  you look for parking, odds are that you will be labeled cheap, you make an etiquette mistake (fail to open door) you can be called selfish. So there is added pressure when going out with a community girl, because odds are that majority of the girls that you haven't gone out with will know about what happened with the girls you did go out with, and if one pegs you as cheap its guilty until proven Innocent, and  you are cheap ....... I most definite believe my agent that every girl is great and special - it's just finding the way that's great and special for you...

If Haseedems were to beat you up,

would you admit to it ? I think probably Hadeedems rank second only to girls as far as types of people you would admit to getting beaten by. Williamsberg NY is home to one of  the largest sect of Satmar(ultra orthodox anti Israel Jews) in the world. On one of trips there to see a customer who happens to be a Satmar- we always argue about the State of Israel and Zionism. I Decided to Crank up the "Hatikvah" the Zionist National anthem and see what happens, Despite him warning me that people would react badly, Its kind of like a sign that says wet paint on a fence and you want to test it out to make sure it's wet  - I cranked up the volume with the Hatikvah playing and slowly but surely like flies to $h#& a group of about 8 came by and surrounded the car, its hard to tell how old they were because of there beards but they were probably somewhere between twenty and forty. They Started Mumbling in Yiddish and Abe the guy that I deal with convinced me to just get out of there, before these guys got crazy- would i take the chance of getting beat up by haseedems, it'd be pretty hard to explain.......................Why is it the Brown M+Ms the least represnted color in the pack ?.................a Syrian thought Did you know that anyone with the last name Shami can only be Halabi, kind of like someone withe the last name White - being Black


is what she told me  Again as she strolled in about 10 minutes late  after letting me know she would be an hour late only couple hours before our "date". The way she kept going on about how  "crazy busy"  she was seemed like she was running the world bank or doing shuttle diplomacy somewhere in the Middle East. Sub consciously i felt pressured, because this girl time is  extraordinarily valuable, and for her to be wasting it on me - i was honored. We ordered a couple Beers, which i don't drink or hardly know anything about, and sat down for some noisy conversation- I must say i was fascinated by her interest in hard core rap  and how a privileged 20 something Jewish girl identifies herself with Eminem and other rappers, doesn't seem logical but not for me to understand. After about an hour I asked her to walk her home not so much out of the great conversation we had more so that when i take out a girl i do feel responsible she gets home OK. I called her again couple days later left a message There was no church on Sunday -No sleep was lost.......

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

BoobaJones #5..... 28-6

, is what we got out shot at the free throw line tonight could be an indication of either two things the other team went to the basket more than we did or it was slightly unbalanced officiating. The Crew was a great crew tonight Mark Gerber at the lead always calls a balanced game and is in control of the game at all times usually( not going to bring up the incident where he got punched in the face for breaking up a fight among est teammates). We Start the game at a disadvantage cause two of our players don't wear shirts and there is a one shot Technical for each one of those - plus the fact that we only had four players for the first half. We controlled the first half with a slow deliberate offense running a weave and going under them when they came out to play us and played the first half to a draw. Mike Mann and Dave were leading the way- our zone was soft and we had to play it even softer cause the crew was calling it close where me and Solly were in foul trouble. The Second half see sawed back and forth - Barney showed - we had some confusion on Defense we lost Ranna on a couple big threes. Michael was off tonight not so much his fault as they were playing off me and Barney, and Solly he should have found us more to be honest. We had a good opportunity to go up 2 with under 30 seconds but Dave who made a great move to get open off the inbounds missed from close range - Our Offense was stalled in the OT and we fell 50-45. Game ball Dave........

Do I look like im Judea and Samaria......

, was my initial reaction after hearing a small diatribe from a girl i went out with as i was driving her home. she kept ranting that she will not settle, she doesn't care, she deserves the best and onwards and onwards. As i was driving my first thought was "do i look like a settlement"? Gush katif, Homesh, etc.... I didn't care much to be honest cause there wasn't anything there besides two people eating some food and for the most part me pretending to listen to g-d only knows what she was talking about. There was definite no church on Sunday............................. You know for sure  what people think about you with the kind of girl they set you up with.......... I have also learned that when texting with a girl and you get :), or an lol it usually means to wrap it up and stop the text................................

Americas Game it's

, Not Fantastic. Growing up I remember those Great pro Commericals with highlights promoting the NBA, and how much i looked forward to watching basketball. Things have changed The NBA has moved from a pure game where Basketball was the priority as opposed to the Everything else that comes with. Today the game has moved more from an actual game to a form of entertainment much like the Wrestling is. I understand that the league needs to market it self and needs to appeal to all audiences that goes beyond the actual people that care about basketball, but is it worth it to whore out you're product to the rating. Just imagine if someone like  Howard Stern show would become politically correct and sensitive, he can sell out his show to a higher audience, but of course at the expense of his product. You can find some of the old NBAcommericals on youtube here is a link to one of them and how great basketball used to be

Kilometer 101 on the Cairo- Suez Road.........

,37 years ago was the road mark where Israeli and Egyptian high level officials met for the first time in Israel's 25th of existence. After The "surprise" Attack by the Egyptian and Syrians Armies on Oct 6th which was Yom Kippur-The Israelis fighting for their existence where able to rebound and force the Syrians to retreat from Mt Hermon and Golan Heights and on there way to Damascus which opposition leader at the time Menachem Begin wanted to do to rescue Syrian Jewry-but was halted due to the seize fire agreements. After the Initial shock of the Egyptians crossing the Canal and Smashing through the "Bar Lev " fortress - The Israelis managed to regroup and cross the canal and surround the Egyptian third army, and threaten to move onwards to Cairo- Hence the Seize fire and the historic meeting between General Aharon Yariv and his counterpart Mohamad el Gamsi.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Todays observation is .....

   , why do Kosher Restaurants insist on including the Gratuity as part of the bill, rather than letting people make up there own mind as to how much to tip. People reading this would assume that i am thrifty by asking this question, but on the contrary I'm not, as i generally my tips get rounded off to either the nearest 5 or 0 meaning if my bill would be $79  id tip $21  - but this way the restaurant determines the Tip for you, and they do it in a way that if you don't look at the bill you wouldn't notice it being put it . One reader suggested to me that a lot of religious people are notoriously  cheap and therefore the restaurant has to protect it's staff to make sure they get tipped- Unfortunately I have eaten at Un kosher places as well (yeah yeah the cheese and fish ones) and never had that experience -just an observation ...........................
                 I went to watch my nephews Football game on Sunday. He Plays in a Pop Warner like league on Long Island for 10 years olds. Here are a couple highlights from the game which they won 12-0

Will there be Church on Sunday .........

  Not 100% sure but seems that way, The Metaphor  "church on Sunday" which i got from the Robert Duval movie "The Apostle" - I went out with a real nice girl Thursday night, Dating you would figure would get less complicated as you get older but it definite hasn't - The first question is Do you go to the door? In the past i would always call the girl right before i got there and make believe i got the exact address and hope shell say come in or ill be right out - I had put the girls address in navigation so i couldn't do that since it was texted to me so that excuse was out- But driving out in Certain areas in NJ it's really dark and there are no street lights- lucky for me her house number was on a sign that was completely lit up-there goes my second excuse. I went to the door- This was actually the second time we had gone out and through some sort of confusion we never met up again. She was pretty,easy to talk, no real awkwardness. We went to a kosher restaurant which was 95% empty so i found it odd when the guy up front asked if we had a reservation- The food was not the best, but everything else seemed OK otherwise i had to help her cut her chicken cause it was very hard - i joked that i got arthritis from it - she didn't complain though - She seemed tired, I took her home,I had about an hour drive home so she made sure to say " get home safe"-and said text me when u get home which i found extremely flattering maybe since no S girl ever said - ill call her tonight will update as to weather there is any "church on Sunday '............................

If Moses would have only Turned Left,,,,,

, Then maybe the Israelites would have have had oil rather than sand. I was reading a great book about the 1984 Draft, By fillip Bondy. The author focuses on all the different Scenarios of the Draft with the main question being what if Portland would have drafted Michael Jordan instead of Sam Bowie. What was interesting about the draft was that it was held at the same time as the Olympic trials so a lot of the guys drafted didn't even know about it till a couple hours later. Bobby Knight wouldn't let them miss practice not even for the draft. There are tuns of Interesting stories (especially Charles Barkley) That made this book extremely entertaining in what was perhaps the greatest Draft in the History of the NBA........

Thursday, October 21, 2010

BoobaJones #4 Our Faults not............

   Lie with in the stars but within ourselves. Munster quoted Shakespeare here is Recap of last nights game. For the most part of the night we were sleeping, not hustling, snoring, looking at each other like it was everyone else's fault... everybody was scoring off us. then with 8 minutes left a spark magically came into the building that lit mike mann and little gernie. down 15 they went on a 21-6 run by themselves with a little help from Barney and refs to force OT. huge block from gernie to save the game in regulation and again in OT. let me go back by saying we switched to a zone early 2nd half that helped us alot. solly elmann's hustling was a big factor... at the end of the day it was mike mann and gernie -enough said ..  A Win is a Win we are 3-1

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Make me Laugh......

  Ha, Ha That is one of the oldest jokes when it comes to what woman want from men. Sure it would be great for them to have a guy that can make them laugh but in reality how important is laughter ? We surveyed 100 woman and asked them whats the most important thing in finding in a guy and here is how they answered - number 4 - make me laugh said by 2 woman the number 3 answer treat me nicely said by 7 woman the number 2 answer looks 23 woman said that and the Number 1 answer said by over 68 woman was Money................ Useful obscure situation dating tips part one...... Should u need to pass gas- go outside and make believe like you're checking the tires.........When taking a girl out and you don't really want to pay for parking always drive by the place by " accident " that way it would give you and a few extra blocks to look for parking with out looking like you're cheap...

Yogi Berra..........

once said you can learn a lot by just observing and thanks to some of my readers i will post some of these observations............When seeing an old Person just say Hello - if you ask them how are they doing- Be prepared to stay for a while cause if there honest they'll really tell you............. everyone avoids sitting near the Hasidim on the plane but when turbulence comes we want to get closer to them..............Why do the orthodox Jews  feel a need when paying for something  to fold the bill a few times and announce the size of  the bill ........... How come white people assume when someone of Hispanic decent says there going back to there country, that there being deported............if someone stole Trojan magnum condoms from you're store would it be racialist to blame it on Black people..............

Pitch counts........

      are probably one of the most overrated stat in baseball said  a scout from the Giants I  was sitting next to last night at the game #3 of the Yankee- Rangers Series.In which Cliff Lee Cruised for an easy 8-0. I asked the scout when a pitcher warms up isn't he using up pitches and wouldn't that effect the pitch count, he said they probably throw at 50%- Strength to just keep warm so another wards for every 8 pitches it should probably tack on another 4 pitches to the "count"-   Nolan Ryan it was said to have thrown 254 pitches in one game- and everyone knows he used to hit at least 99 on the gun so the argument that pitchers didn't throw as hard back then its BS. The official record is by Tom Cheney of the Washington Senators threw 228 pitches in a 16 inning complete game victory over the Baltimore Orioles in 1962. In this game Cheney struckout 21 batters which, as of 2010, is the MLB record for most batters struck out by a pitcher in a game.....................The game was relatively boring but i got to listen in to some sophisticated Poker strategy  and Gambling stories I went to the game with my Friend Abe M., a Poker and games whiz, and  David "the" Grey another poker player.

Friday, October 15, 2010

NO Title...........

Happy 95th Birthday to the Great Revisionist and Staunch Land of Israel Loyalist Yitzhak Shamir............
Ninth of Cheshvan The Yortzhaeit of the "Malki Shuva".......
Very Funny out of Chicago Politics:  
Uh-oh. A Green Party candidate for governor of Illinois named Whitney will appear as "Whitey" on a section of the electronic ballot in about two dozen Chicago wards, about half of them in predominantly African American areas.- would anyone vote for a guy named "Rich Whitey"- poor guy is not even a republican
A short Video of the next "Bernie Kosar"- My 10 year old Nephew Throwing a long TD pass.......

Look out for #1 Don't Step in #2........

  , legendary advice by the great Jacob Cohen (Rodney Dangerfield)---- Walking has sort of became a pastime of mine as i used to trek from my old apt in Nassau St, to the Midtown- You try to prepare yourself for certain obstacles along the way, maybe rain, traffic,tourists,stuff like that. Here is something that I don't believe anyone prepares for   ...About 15 minutes into my walk around Houston street my foot feels that "splat" feeling and instantly i knew, not like the way some people know when they meet someone that that's their soul mate for everyone of those, there is 99 relationship that don't work out i knew it was doody, and i know doody can't be my soul mate because this was  the third time in the past 2 years,and also it was different colors each time -I keep track of these things the reason is because  it's supposed to be good luck I played Lotto each time and won a baby i started kicking and screaming,getting personal about dogs that Michael Vick was right etc..There may have been a couple of F- Bombs dropped also,and foreign language profanity as well. An older woman sees me and says "aww don't worry it's good luck"- i  responded in kind so "why don't you step in it"- she smiled and walked away- i spent the rest of my walk trying to find puddles to dunk my shoe, checking for any remnants of doody, and constantly sniffing out of paranoia knowing that I am the one that smells like crap....

I hate Hippies...........

 , and here is why as I was walking out of one of the stores i sell to on the upper west side, i bought a small pack of Halloween candy, with out paying attention i chucked the tiny wrapper of the candy on the floor and headed to my car. Out of nowhere someone runs up at me " EXCUSE ME, EXCUSE ME SIR", with this deep but feminine voice you dropped this, i responded that i just chucked it out , he proceeded to lecture me about the littering and the enviorment, i took the wrapper back with out listening to the lecture went to my car and chucked it out again- Now Littering is bad i agree and i have done my share of it generally trying to justify it for all the parking Tickets I get a lot of times with out merit for example going to the meter machine, or parking far enough from hydrant, But for that none sense for someone to pay this much attention to this none sense and act all self righteous is ridiculous - i know the rebuttal will be well what if everyone did that - so i learned my lesson from the hippies DONT litter.....

Thursday, October 14, 2010

BoobaJones #2 10-6 #3 10/13

      With a full team in tact-(minus munster). Blue Raced out to an early 15 point lead mainly in part to the soft zone our opponent chose to match up in. They called time and switched into a man. Gurney  ran isolation's for himself and Mann there help D was non existent and when it did come Barney stepped it up and solly was able to spot up for good looks. We had a comfortable lead going into the second half. Defensively we got a little lazy in the second half missing assignments and losing track of our guys but Mann stepped it up big-time going for 30 + Barney was a presence both on Offense and Defense end. Gurney managed the game well, and Elmann was solid on D (exception when he lost his man on open 3) we shot well as a team, didnt turn over the ball, accountability on D was an issue which we needed to address-

     A WIN IS WIN....Gurney  was quoted after the game saying. I actually know someone that after winning a league championship was so disappointed with his and his teams performance he chucked his trophy- and basically that was sentiment for this game. UGLY is an understatement for the way the game was played last night only to be fair the officials had a terrible game as well botching up calls, rules, the clock and failed to have any control over the game. Chemistry may have been an issue for us, For the first time all season we had a full team we opened up in a man and from the on set we were slow uninspired unmotivated, settling for bad shots and careless with the ball- Mann was carrying the load with the scoring and aside from him no one was doing anything offensively as bad as our offense was our defense was worse- a ridiculous claim by some guys on the team was they were "making crazy shots"- we were getting out hustled, We didn't help,no communication Barney was pretty much a no show Elmann generally a terror on the floor was reduced to error. They Boxed - Michael Mann and our offense went into a funk - game went back and forth- barney made a tough catch and reverse layup to put us up one - where we held up to escape with that margin - Missed layups, defensive assignments, turnovers, lazy- would be a way to sum this game up inexcusable

Wednesday, October 13, 2010


  Intro and week #1 -09-16 
        BoobaJones Series will be a once a week guest feature on the Blog Detailing a report on the Basketball league that I play in, Our Team is Blue and will be referred to that through- out the series....Our Team consists of seven players which is always a good idea, cause usually not everyone is reliable and of course we have the players that should never miss any games. Munster is the captain and architect of the the team - Munster is a decent player who gets a bum rap.His friends  at the center think he sucks and at times i admit i agree with them- but truth is if he played with in the parameters of his game(spot up shooting, screening, not putting ball on floor etc..) he can be a solid contributor. Barney - is our big man, plays with a lot of spirit, solid on the glass, a much better defensive player than he gets credit for, not a member of the Allstate good hands team but can catch the ball when hit in the numbers and finish, as long as he pukes before every game we should be OK. Michael -  the scorer we needed, Excellent finisher,creates for himself and others, tough in the open court, rebounds well also- can be a much better defender - Solly- the Hustler, would fill up the stat sheet on "its not in the box score " plays ( loose balls deflections charges etc..) surprisingly decent shot- will generally draw the toughest defensive assignment - decision making is questionable at times- Dave- solid player maker good understanding of the game, tough defender, not a great shooter but an be relied upon to score -Haim- can be really good depending on his head - will need to score, shot selection is in question at times OK a lot of times - plays hard all time. As for myself I am great and here is the reason why I'm great because I'm not an A$$hole - I know what I'm supposed to do i play to my strengths- even if it means sitting on the bench- The bottom line is to win and if that means me sitting I'm all for it...
   Week #1:
       Not having a team in place. only Barney,Solly, and I were the only regulars we recruited 2 players one who was really good back in his heyday and one who was never good in any day. Our strategy was to play a really slow and deliberate game. Had the other team tried to run,and pick us full court they probably would've pounded  us by 25. But they didn't and played right into our hands. We tried to go inside to Barney but he was a no show on week #1 he missed chip shots inside the paint, and wasn't very active on both ends, he claimed he was out of shape. We matched up in a 2-3 zone committing only to there two best players and letting everyone else shoot we rebounded well and took good shots. Solly led us with 16 points watching him shoot in pregame- I thought he couldn't hit the side of a barn- but he stuck 4 three pointers, we were up 5 with under 3 minutes but we never scored again and wind up losing 31-29 that's not a misprint. On there final possession they were inbounding under neath our basket  I chose not to call time out and unfortunatly were still in a zone through some confusion we lost a man and he banked in a 16 footer with one second. I'll take the blame for that...

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

The Ramadan Miracle.....08-11

        It gives me great pleasure to report my very own True Ramadan Miracle. It wont exactly melt you're heart but none the less a true feel good story . Parked by a pump on the Upper west side i ran into a store of one of my customers to drop off a box - as i was walking out of the store - I saw a Big African- American Brother at my windshield - I screamed out to him Saalam Waalakim Senegal Brother Ramadan Kareem - He stops his Scan i walked up to him we shook hands Exchanged Ramadan Blessings and I DID NOT get a ticket. NYC is ruthless with there ticketing policys and for Senegal brother or where he was from not to ticket me was for me a True Ramadan Miracle

To Touch or Not to Touch?

      A short while ago I was set up on a blind date with an ultra orthodox girl a " Harediet"- to help asses the situation if i were a Muslim id be going out with a woman with a full Ninja outfit. Being open minded, I figured what the hell it's just a date, she was supposed to be pretty and basically that's the only thing that matters to be honest. I picked her up and realized that she is "Shomer Negiyia" meaning she wouldn't touch no hand shake, kiss on the cheek etc... I made do with the air handshake - she wasn't amused. I took her to a restaurant in Midtown, we had religious discussions over the car ride and dinner and didn't seem to agree on anything, this was the ultimate mismatch. Everything was civil till the end of the night before leaving i got her her coat which was one of those giant ass coats and was offering to help her with it so i made some contact with her it was as if i grabbed her boobs or even worse-" what are you doing whats the matter with you etc.... all i was trying to do was help i said --- I specifically took the Tunnel home that night after a slightly tense ride home - The Lesson to be learned here " When in Doubt---- don't touch "

Must have the Boats....

          The Holiday of Simchat Torah Genuinely brings out the worst people, This has been said millions of times, but will say a million and one This May be the only place in the world where Millionaires literally beat the crap out of each other for a $4 candy bag. This Holiday has produced more casualties than the invasion of Grenada.Which brings me to this post as usual a brawl erupted in one of the synagogues ( Not Shevet Achaim)  this past Simchat Torah -  and everyone rushed to judgment and blamed the boats " had to be the Shamis" was a direct quote -As it turned out No boats were involved in the Scuffle and it was the Main stream "Gringo" Syrians - Just a clarification in case anyone thought otherwise ..........

The four Noes....................

 The four Noes..........

                 Back in Sept of 1967 The Arab league convened in Khartoum, Sudan coming up with a resolution regarding Israel know as the "The Three Noes"- No recognition, No Negotiation, No Peace --- Fast forward to 2010 in a completely unrelated concept  Manners specialist Norm Rubin - Incorporated what has become know as the " Four Noes" regarding table manners in his home something that I believe needs to be adopted in many households - The Noes consist of No passing Salt ( a superstition) No Passing bread( from hand to hand its a sign of how a pauper accepts bread) No Passing Gas- ( This is debatable as to if its silent or loud) but the reference is to all gas - and No Double Dipping - Perhaps the most important of the Noes -