Sunday, September 19, 2021

The Rabbi Got


 an Alliyah, And the Sergeant in Arms of the Temple gesticulated for all to rise. Sitting, he caught my attention and Motioned for me to rise. Playing dumb I Waved back in a greetingly manner, Which in turn caused him to Increase the intensity of his Wave, much to his disdain i returned the same Wave. Shooting me a look as if i farted up the Synagogue, he turned to focus on the Alliyah.....I did hold the door open for him at a later hour, and was Thanked, Peace was preserved......According to Some there are levels of reactions when commenting on How cute Something or Someone's Kid is The " STOP  IT STOP IT OMG" is  probably second in annoyance only to the  " I CAN'T BREATHE"  "Seriously, Seriously" to quote The great IBH  George floyd couldn't breathe, Not you looking at someone's BS Kid...

Thursday, September 9, 2021


is a Neighborhood Shop that specializes in ME foods and Delicacies. As a frequent customer, I enjoy the friendly banter with the staff as well as the Selection of foods. It Was brought to my attention that allegedly Expiring dates have been Erased off Certain food and beverages, for example Cheese and Diet sprite. After a Thorough and serious fact finding mission, the allegation was proved to be True. Now the last thing, that is wanted is for Laffy's to get a Bum Rap, I will present you the reader with the Prodigious  Responsibility of letting me know how to handle the situation!  Choice A) Ignore the matter and never go back  B) Discreetly bring it up to Mr Laffy and let him address the matter C) confront the staff in a truculent manner.......... Prior to the bidding portion of the services, the organizer hands out a detailed pamphlet of what is available for purchase. Sheepishly I asked, Can I purchase something on Consignment, with the promise of payment Plus Juice, After all Gd does Reward those who give...... Another ingenious and revolutionary ploy to make Extra bucks for the Synagogue, is to sell One Way or round trip Tickets of carrying the Torah. Firstly to the Bima and the return trip back to the Arc.....