Tuesday, January 16, 2018

The lOw Life

       Often in Business Dispute arise, Sometines from Vendor to Buyer, partner to partner etc, An interesting circumstance came about of which i felt compelled to address it. I will present the Facts  not  Kelly Anne Coneway "Alternative facts" or none of which with all due respect to Mr Wolfe " if it rings true, then it must be True" kind of facts but Rather Established ones in other words a "Fait Accompli"..............

   Two Friends in Separate Business Partner up on Specialized Deals of which one brings in the Deals,and handles all the logistics of the deal i.e delivery, Storage, packing, shipping etc. The other partner is responsible for obtaining orders if their are any and handling the Shipping information as well as all activities related with the buyer i.e legal, remittance, returns, damages, etc. Each partner agrees to put up fifty percent of the Money and in share equally in All Profits and losses. Sounds Simple. What would turn one partner to label the other a lOw life......( Please note that names have been changed and deleted to protect the innocent, and to give the NON lOw life Partner a platform to respond)

 I am a lOw life because

1. I always fronted the Money for all deals with out ever getting one cent from the other partner

2. I cut down on Expenses by avoiding paying and Labor fees, often doing the manual labor on my own

3. I made sure that once an Invoice was paid, and the check cleared, The other partner would receive his share of the money by the next day the latest, Sometimes going to deposit the money in the spirit of Partnership and good will.

4. Despite telling one partner to wait until we got paid from a vendor who was overdue, he took out lets throw out a figure of  $3904.00 from a credit card to make sure his rent was paid

5. As Partners we both met with the Vendor, Communicated with him Frequently, and when it came to any Legal matters, such as letters from the Manufacturer it was Strictly approved by one partner, Despite potentially being invalid, and have potentail consequences. But Certainly he was mislead as he claims.

6.  I had the audacity that After roughly 16 Months  asking to  be compensated for  the losses that have been incurred as part of the original Agreement, The temerity and nerve!!

7. After coming to a Watered down Agreement roughly Two Months ago, I was told that I needed to wait until we get paid, and that I am not trusted should we get paid, that he would recieve his share

8. As partneres we were scheduled to meet with Lawyers from the Manufacter, and at the last minute, canceled because he had other things going on, Certainly I was not busy and was able to make the meeting

9. As partners He completely whitewashed any responsibilty and let the other partner, by refusing to acknowledge any role in this partnerhsip, as his name and company would not get tarnished,or effected, This isn't only a business partner but a long time Family friend.

10. Because I was Stupid enough to be Trusting and to be taken advantage of......