Sunday, June 12, 2016


      is famously known for its Four Seasons, Spring,Summer, elections and War. For the Locals it's times to Squabble over Air conditions or Windows, Right v Left Etc.  Unfortunately The One Season that Seems to bring everyone together in one voice one heart one people is War. In True Spirit of " Love thy Neighbor"  Israelis of all Denominations, offer housing, Shelter, Food and compassion,and every imaginable service  for all those in the affected conflict zone.For Us Jews in the America , it seems a lot simpler, The State of Israel Should always have our unconditional Support through every Season. Israel is facing massive Delegitimization campaign.  Supermarkets are being ransacked of their Israeli Made products, Speakers and dignitaries  are Shouted down and Harassed. Students on Campus are afraid to identify as Jews. organizations are bullied into voting to boycott the Jewish State, and scores of other Vicious Threats. What's the best way to send love and appreciation to those who are on the front line of this massive bigotry? I am uncertain their is a right answer to this question. Some will Send checks, Others Volunteer,  Perhaps Solidarity trips, but in my opinion the one special way to warm the hearts of the Sabra's and truly give them that Hallmark moment is to march and Participate in the Salute to Israel Parade. The reaction for most would be a Huh! a Parade!. With so Much negative news about the State in the world, What better way for Schools, Organizations, Missions, and corporate to come out and show the people of Israel, That all of Ysrael is linked to one another. Listening to a local Israeli newscast, the Anchor was beaming with pride and the excitement of the story That so many came out in torrential rains and thunderstorms, marching and singing  Am Ysrael Chai. As a person living in the Greater Sephardi community in Brooklyn, i take umbrage in several of the schools and institutions that remain indifferent to the state. Siting its irreligious and pluralistic nature as it's main reason. No Situation is perfect,  the  answer is simple, being indifferent is being against. Their is no such thing as being half pregnant. You either are or you're not..It was also very troubling to see institutions, Especially one's that pride themselves on having a strong love for Israel, with delegations of over Five Hundred Students Strong, and hundreds of Families who would come out to spectate, Choose to sit out the parade. Siting Safety concerns, attributed to strong winds and rain. What a great message of love and solidarity to send to the people of Israel, " We love you, but only when it's not raining, or when we have to go to deal". Basically a Bond of convenience. "To everything their is a season", Summer,Spring, Winter, and Fall, Israel Should and always be our Season..........

Saturday, February 13, 2016

If I were to get up

 and say a few words About UA  

                   If I had to describe Aaron Laniado in one word or Catch phrase the Term " Sui Generis" would come to mind. From the Latin the Simple Term Means Unique, or one of a kind. However I would like to Augment that and Say Sui Generis on Steroids. What Made this Man so Special? His Profound Love of Family, His Fervor for Gimelut Chesed and Charity, His Ardent and unparalleled support for the Torah and its Scholars, or maybe his Devout Dedication to the Principles of Eretz Ysrael, Am Ysrael, Torat Ysrael, values that have been indoctrinated in him and his siblings growing up in Jerusalem.It is unclear how many Languages Aaron Spoke, and we will not include his infamous British Accent but somehow he found away to communicate, Touch, Invigorate, Galvanize and make everyone he encountered Feel like a Million Bucks, and that extended to people from across the globe, who actually believed he really spoke Turkish, Flemish , or some other Language  to the Meek and Downtrodden to the Highest echelon of Society. He was fortunate enough to not only have met so many Giants of the 20th Century, but to also count on many of them as Friends. Those included Washington Senator Henry Scoop Jackson, who championed the cause of Soviet Jewry and was perhaps Israels greatest Friend in History of the United States Congress. Prime Ministers Menachem Begin, Yitzhak Shamir, Ariel Sharon, and Benjamin Netanyahou.( Im Glad that he supported the right and the right side always). Legendary  Fighters from the IZL that included Eitan Livini and his special Relationship with One of Israels Greatest fighters a Modern Day Bar Kochba General Repahel " Rafoul" Eitan. His Hysterical  encounter with Henry Kissinger, In which he was able to Impress the eminent Diplomat with that famous British Accent, I doubt Kissinger Bought it, But he did take an immediate liking to Aaron and was introducing him as his friend, and yes this is The Real Henry The K. Just for the sake of Fact Checking, i Would implore anyone reading this to check with his Son Danny about his run in with PM Netanyahou at a Jerusalem Restaurant or Ask his Brothers about the Affinity Arik Sharon had Towards him, and I will always want to to know what he Said to Yitzhak Shamir and his wife Shulamit that caused them to bowl over in hysterical laughter, Props to the wonderful Photographer who caught that magical shot, a truly authentic Moment that not even Photo Shop can Belie. Their are scores of other Stories and encounters with Moguls, Rabbis, and other dignitaries, but  That would Certainly violate the Rules of the Blog ( too many lines,and Rules are Rules).  What impressed most was the fact that Aaron behaved the same way with the same character and Vehemence when greeting the regular folk and less fortunate. Weather walking the Streets of Machane Yehuda, or the Old city, or Seeing People at the synagogues. He truly derived this irrepressible joy of making anyone he encountered Smile and feel good about themselves. Famous for always saying " who am i?, Whats my life?"  Perhaps "you were proof in the old Belief of Judaic tradition that at any moment in history goodness in the world is preserved by the deeds of 36 Just men who do not know this is the role the Lord has given them".....

                                                                                you're nephew, Friend and " cousin" 


Thursday, January 7, 2016

A Reflection of

   of a season.............

    A Memo to the Teaim:
       With all due respect to the office of the president of the united states, my apologies if  this may sound like a speech written for Barack Obama. Despite the  Season Being tumultuous, Contentious, challenging  and somewhat difficult, I would like to thank The Teaim, for giving me the Opportunity to be part of the greatest Game that's ever been invented. The Season did not live out to any of our Expectations, and  I do wish to focus on the positives rather than the negatives, and answer the most frequently asked question of me. " But what did I do Wrong"? and answer that with a Question of  " But what did I do right?". I got Back on Defense, I Dove for loose Balls, I picked up my teammates when they were on the floor, I rooted for my Teammates while sitting on the bench, rather than hope they failed, so perhaps I would get into the game. I passed on a bad shot, so someone can get a better shot. I Blocked out, because I know that Rebounding is Solely about Desire and Heart. I was respectful to my coach, Despite Disagreeing about situations. I played my role on the Teaim, even when it interfered with my ego. I made a difference on the court, I rotated defensively despite being uncertain if my teammates would cover my back. I, left it all on the floor.  I'd Like to continue, but then I would have to change the title from Memo to Essay. Ultimately we must look at Ourselves, though maybe once just once look as a Teaim and admit to the fact that " Our faults not lie with in the stars, But with in ourselves.". As a Final noteI personally would like to apologize for the way, Playing time was allocated, unfortunately  Basketball is NOT an equal opportunity sport. or a Socialist experiment where every one shares the burden Equally. As mentioned before Everyone determines their own minutes based on their Contributions and production, and that's how it will Always be, not unless of course Bernie Sanders is elected President . " Basketball is a beautiful sport when the five players on the court play with one  heartbeat" - Dean E. Smith 

                                                                                                                         Ke: Respectfully,
                                                                                                                          Gxxxxn Lxxxxdo

  This memo has been Spell checked:


Saturday, January 2, 2016

The Russians Proverb

States that "One who does not ring in the New year celebrating, Wont be celebrating the whole Year"... I did not receive my annual Year end Phone call from My life insurance agent, However i did  Receive the Annual Emails of how they used to Humiliate and kill Jews on New Year's. None the less, it failed to deter me from Celebrating with WBG, and her friend's at a Sumptuous  Gramercy Hotel Restaurant. Sharing Stories of New Years past, With Mine probably being the most peculiar.In Short it was  Breaking up with a young lady I was Dating for about About a month, But  agreeing to do it after, we traditionally rang in the new Year The night continued with us getting the VIP treatment, Due to the fact that her friends boy friends was the Somalia at the place, In short that's  a Wine Aficionado, he is from Maine and Not Somalia. Excessive Drinking,much like the Casino Halts the concept of time, and before we knew it the Ball Dropped and the Partying that was going on through out the night, continued for another Hour and change. When it was said and done, I had been out for over Four Hours, an Unprecedented feat for a party animal Such as myself, Though I do like to Use the Dog years analogy when it comes to my Social Skills, for every hour counting as   Three and half  ...  What did we learn, There are 95 Million Bubbles in a bottle of Champagne, and also its only Champagne if its from Champagne, France, Otherwise it is just sparkling wine, And Hangovers Annually are really really not that bad..............