Monday, July 30, 2012

"HAMAN" On Steroids,

 " Please join us for the Pre fast meal, and breaking the fast meal "- I felt like Haman Being invited Queen Esthers feast's except this is of course would  be a 3rd and 4th feast after Spending the Sabbath by the Rubins. Who have been nothing but magnanimous hosts, and despite NR providing me with a "Summer Pass" - i do feel like it's taking advantage  " Yesh Gvool" There is a limit.......Is it  unpatriotic to root  for the Argentina  women Beach volleyball over the Americans cause they were a lot hotter..........On T'ishe Be Av Everyone reads Ehica or book of Lamination's together and many scream it out in fervor which leads to a lot of commotion and discombobulation, and about a 4 second difference when finishing, A suggestion would be just like the book of Esther let the cantor read it a loud it would make it a lot easier to follow........ RIP Sherman Helmsly, I really hope he wasn't gay, cause then I would have to look at his character George Jefferson in a different way....Is a little bag of Kellogg's Cheddar chips kosher if it doesn't have a certification, but the same exact bag in a bigger size does?.........

Friday, July 27, 2012

Fact Finding Mission,

      is my next excuse for planning a trip to the Zionist state, makes it sound Important, but in truth i just go for the hell of it ........" should you're brothers go to war, while you yourselves sit here" ( Numbers 32 - Moses to Reuben and Gad) time to enlist the Haradeim.......Dating ambiguity even though things have been "over" for roughly a week - i have not been ready to commit to calling anyone else- I've been deflective and not forward with my answers when proposed with new girls to take out, i guess the "circumstances" of how things ended have been on my mind......Serving as a liaison between RE and my tenants who have been complaining  of getting "nasty texts" from her, i am going through a period of Detente with them, But still forced to confirm all Scheduling and showing, Appeasement of both sides is probably the only strategy to deal with this............

Thursday, July 26, 2012

The "Koolaide",

is one thing i did not miss over the last few weeks, that being the EE "Koolaide" and his expertise in Women's studies, In Short he is trying to sell me something that hasn't come for over Two Years No Thanks...... Murphy's Law doesn't exist for me when it comes to gambling, as the only person to ever lose money on Poker expert AM is me and the streak continues as he failed to place in the WS of Poker coming in place 1508 out of over 7000. With Elections looming this year, I don't know the line for this year's presidential election, but after the fiasco of 2008- where Sean Hannity told us " Do not let you're heart be troubled" and insisted Mccain still had a chance I took the bait and at 13-1 odds Mccain got routed....

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Being Under the Weather,

has done wonders for my appetite, and as I stepped on the Scale at the Dr's office It Yielded the same results as the week before  202- I barely put anything in my mouth, sweated  like a pig, and drank exclusively water, There is clearly a problem...........Speaking of being under the weather G0d Must have heard me Use that excuse as i was embarrassed to be a dinner guest at the Rubin's Two Weeks in a row, So he decided to wait till the following week to really put me under the weather.......Every middle aged white male make the same joke when handing a large bill to a cashier - upon checking the bill with the pen the gringo says just printed it in my basement it's fresh and laughs at his own stupid joke - my personal favorites are the thrifty Jews whom to Avoid any discrepancy always fold the bill 3 or 4 times that way the cashier is forces to stretch it out to reveal the bill and avoid any malfunctions with the change......

"Circumstances "

     have brought the Omer Period of the blog to an end not aftet 49 days but rather 45....... Firstly an Apology to Munster, who generously invited me to his "MAZZA" engagement party, and of which i could have made a stronger effort to attend and didn't So to Munster I apologize for causing any Hurt, Harm or Injustice.....After roughly Six weeks of Seeing a Terrific girl  "Circumstances" have caused the relationship to End, out of respek I won't comment, Except to say There are no regrets, and wish and hope nothing but the Best for her, and that i am still obligated Should i hit the lotto with her Numbers to Share half the proceeds Fifty- Fifty..........The one year anniversary of the "Ashley Dupree Money" hair Surgery passed and just like Multiculturalism in Europe it Has failed miserably..... NBC Broadcaster Bob Costas has promised to Honour the Eleven Israelis Murdered in Munich with his Own on the Air Moment of Silence, When it's all Said and Done This Will no Doubt be the Singular moment that Will Define his career.......